Home > Transparency


The resources of FECEC, Junts contra el Càncer are managed transparently and responsibly. The accounts of FECEC are externally audited each year.

The Federació Catalana d’Entitats Contra el Càncer (FECEC) is registered under number 408 in the Register of Associations of the Regional Government of Catalonia, registered under number 399 in the Register of Special Interest Groups of the Regional Government and was declared to be in the public good on 10 September 2008.

The following documents are published under Law 19/2013 of 9 December to make provision for transparency, public access to information and good governance.

Economic resources





Contracts and agreements

More information

Audit report



  • FECEC states that there are no advertisements on this site
  • FECEC states that sources of finance have no influence on the editorial content of this website and there are no conflicts of interest.